Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yo-Ho-Ho and a Packet of Strepsils

I don't know what kind of schizophrenic virus has taken over my body in the last week, but the hits just keep on coming! The fever from hell that hit me back at Elsinore castle broke nearly as quickly as it had come on, after half a night of alternating between severe chills, and severe sweats. Thankfully, this left me in good enough condition to make my train to Aarhus the following day. In fact, by the time I got to Aarhus, all that seemed to be left of it was a bit of a scratchy throat. I was feeling pretty optimistic that the worst was over...but not SO optimistic that I thought wandering the streets in the pouring rain was a good idea. So I gave myself a rest day at the hotel to recuperate and watch some weird Danish TV.

Then it was on to Skagen, a lovely little beach town that reminded me a bit of Bainbridge Island, though sadly the sun wasn't cooperating with me here, either. At least there wasn't any actual rain.

Downtown Skagen

From Skagen, the next stop was Hirtshals, the port town from which I was to catch my boat to Iceland. The sun made one final appearance and so I was able to soak up some rays on what I was pretty sure would be my last day of proper "summer" on this trip.

But the mystery virus wasn't quite done with me yet....My scratchy throat was beginning to flare up again as I rolled into town, and after a VERY late night up chatting/drinking with new friends I made at the hostel (two of whom were going to be on the boat with me), I woke up this morning completely unable to speak above a whisper. Fantastic!

Feeling once again less than stellar, and in the name of trying NOT to infect everyone else on the boat, I shelled out for an upgrade to my own cabin instead of the berth I had booked in a room of six.  Not cheap, but probably the best investment I've made so far on this trip. At least I have a place to suffer in peace.

And so I find myself now on the high seas...the Norwegian Sea, to be specific, on my first ever cruise. While it surely pales in comparison to a major cruise liner, there's plenty to do on board to keep me occupied for the next 47 hours. Probably won't be making any new friends, though...unless I find someone who's really good at charades!

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